Discussion Groups
Membership & Discussion Group Steward
Email: membership@mythsoc.org
Active Groups
Active Special Interest and Correspondence Groups
Online Discussion Groups
Active Groups
CALIFORNIALos Angeles/Pasadena: Mydgard. Lee Speth, 920 N. Atlantic #E, Alhambra, CA 91801.
San Francisco Bay Area: Khazad-dum. Edith Crowe, 1124 Eden Bower Lane, Redwood City, CA 94061.
Email: edithcrowe@comcast.net // Web: www.mythsoc.org/groups-kd.htm
Washington & Suburbs: Knossos. Mimi Stevens, 3805 Franconia Rd., Alexandria, VA 22310.
Email: mimi.stevens@verizon.net
Minneapolis-St. Paul: Rivendell. David Lenander, 2095 Hamline Ave. Roseville, MN 55113.
Email: d-lena@umn.edu // Web: www.rivendellergroup.com
Albuquerque: The UNM Hobbit Society. Leslie A Donovan, UNM Honors Program, Albuquerque, NM.
Email: tolkien@unm.edu // Web: www.unm.edu/~tolkien
Weatherford: Writers of the Rohirrim. Phillip Fitzsimmons.
Writers of the Rohirrim is primarily an in-person book discussion group, meeting at The Lobby Lounge at 525 E Main St, Weatherford, OK 73096. Anyone can participate. As of 2018 members include 7 to 8 SWOSU faculty and two students.
Email: phillip.j.fitzsimmons@gmail.com
Milwaukee: The Burrahobbits. Jeffrey & Jan Long, 1903 N. 118th St., Wauwatosa, WI 53226.
Email: longfam@milwpc.com
Special Interest Group
The Elvish Linguistic Fellowship - Carl Hostetter, 2509 Ambling Cir., Crofton, MD 21114. Aelfwine@elvish.org Web site: http://www.elvish.org/ Newsletter, Vinyar Tengwar.
Journal, Parma Eldalamberon: Christopher Gilson, 10646-A Rosewood Road, Cupertino CA 95014. cgilson75@hotmail.com
Active Correspondence Group
Once Upon A Time (children's fantasy) Laura Krentz, 4323 France Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55410-1344. lkrentz@visi.com Correspondence circular. Issues come out every other month, on the even numbered months. Our membership is small; we would welcome new members. Interested people can contact Laura for a sample issue. Web site: http://rivendellergroup.com/essays-etc/once-upon-a-time-apa
Inactive Correspondence Group & Blog
The Horn of Rohan (archive of posts & interviews)
Online Discussion Groups
Mythsoc E-List - Society activities and general book-related discussion. Sign up: https://groups.io/g/mythsoc/.
Facebook Group Mythopoeic Society group (Facebook)
LiveJournal - Mythopoeic Society discussion forum, Society activities, and general book-related discussion, especially the works of JRR Tolkien, CS Lewis, and Charles Williams. It is also a place to talk about The Mythopoeic Society and to post Society News. Sign up: http://community.livejournal.com/myth_soc or contact Lisa Deutsch Harrigan: mythsoc@sbcglobal.net
Discussion Groups Charter
Once you have completed Sections I and II, please submit the charter to our Discussion Group Secretary:
Membership & Discussion Group Steward