A scholarly, peer-reviewed journal devoted to the study of mythopoeic literature

Mythlore 124 Volume 32, Issue 2     (purchase below)

Table of Contents

Tolkien in Love: Pictures from Winter 1912-1913
— Nancy Bunting

Divine Surgeons at Work: The Presence and Purpose of the Dream Vision in Till We Have Faces
— Erin K. Wagner

Tolkien’s Faërian Drama: Origins and Valedictions
— Janet Brennan Croft

Subverting Mythopoeic Fantasy: Miyuki Miyabe’s The Book of Heroes
— Grzegorz Trębicki

“They Have Quarreled with the Trees”: Perverted Perceptions of “Progress” in the Fiction Series of C.S. Lewis
— Deborah Klein

Artemis at Ragnarok: E.R. Eddison’s Queen Antiope
— Joseph Young

From Children’s Book to Epic Prequel: Peter Jackson’s Transformation of Tolkien’s The Hobbit
— Frank P. Riga, Maureen Thum, and Judith Kollmann

Pillaging Middle-earth: Self-plagiarism in Smith of Wootton Major
-- Josh B. Long

The Art of Detection in a World of Change: The Silver Chair and Spenser Revisited
— Charles A. Huttar


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