A scholarly, peer-reviewed journal devoted to the study of mythopoeic literature
A scholarly, peer-reviewed journal devoted to the study of mythopoeic literature
Mythlore 135 Volume 38, Issue 1
Fall/Winter 2019 (purchase below)
Table of Contents
Editorial— Janet Brennan Croft
The Arch and the Keystone
— Verlyn Flieger
An Unexpected Poet: The Creative Works of Dr. Robert E. Havard
— Sarah O’Dell
Notes and Letters
- In Memoriam: Jared Lobdell, Richard C. West
- Innocence in Lewis’s Perelandra and Twain’s King Arthur’s Court, S. Dorman
- Extreme Minimalism in The Lord of the Rings, Pierre H. Berube
- Mirkwood, John V. Orth
- Doors In: The Fairy Tale World of George MacDonald, by Rolland Hein, Joe Young
- The Lamp-Post of the Southern California C.S. Lewis Society, Janet Brennan Croft
- Fantastic Creatures in Mythology and Folklore: From Medieval Times to the Present Day, by Juliette Wood, Tiffany Brooke Martin
- H.P. Lovecraft: Selected Works, Critical Perspectives and Interviews on His Influence, edited by Leverett Butts, Perry Neil Harrison
- The Echo of Odin: Norse Mythology and Human Consciousness, by Edward W.I. Smith, Emily E. Auger
- The Fame of C.S. Lewis: A Controversialist’s Reception in Britain and America, by Stephanie L. Derrick, Chad Chisholm
- Gods and Robots: Myths, Machines, and Ancient Dreams of Technology, by Adrienne Mayor, Emily E. Auger
Special Issue Contents:
Mythopoeic Children’s Literature
Introduction— Donna White
The Child’s Voyage and the Immram Tradition in Lewis, Tolkien, and Pullman
— Kris Swank
Doubles at Work: The Three Rovers in J.R.R. Tolkien’s Roverandom
— Jennifer Marchant
The Talking Beasts as Adam and Eve: Lewis and the Complexity of “Dominion”
— Jean E. Graham
Pyramids in America: Rewriting the “Egypt of the West” in Rick Riordan’s The Kane Chronicles Series
— Heather L. Cyr
A Sense of Darker Perspective: How the Marauders Convey Tolkien’s “Impression of Depth” in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
— Katherine Sas
Dobby the Robot: The Science Fiction in Harry Potter
— Emily Strand
“What Man am I?” The Hero’s Journey, the Beginning of Individuation, and Taran Wanderer
— author
Blowing the Morte: The Rites of Manhood in William Rayner’s Stag Boy
— Christophe Van Eecke
Death, Hope, and Wholeness in Owen Barfield’s Fairy Tales
— Tiffany Brooke Martin
- Mythology in Children’s Animation, David L. Emerson
- War, Myths, and Fairy Tales, edited by Sara Buttsworth and Maartje Abbenhuis, Felicia Jean Steele
- Shapers of American Childhood: Essays on Visionaries from L. Frank Baum to Dr. Spock to J.K. Rowling, edited by Kathy Merlock Jackson and Mark I. West, David Lenander
- Justice in Young Adult Speculative Fiction: A Cognitive Reading, by Marek Oziewicz, Zachary Dilbeck
- Marvelous Geometry: Narrative and Metafiction in Modern Fairy Tale, by Jessica Tiffin, Felicia Jean Steele
- The Pleasures of Metamorphosis: Japanese and English Fairy Tale Transformations of “The Little Mermaid”, by Lucy Fraser, Bianca Beronio
- Girl Warriors: Feminist Revisions of the Hero’s Quest in Contemporary Popular Culture, by Svenja Hohenstein, Maria Alberto
- The Fabulous Journeys of Alice and Pinocchio: Exploring Their Parallel Worlds, by Laura Tosi with Peter Hunt, Bianca Beronio
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