A scholarly, peer-reviewed journal devoted to the study of mythopoeic literature
A scholarly, peer-reviewed journal devoted to the study of mythopoeic literature
Mythlore 136 Volume 38, Issue 2
Spring/Summer 2020 (purchase below)
Table of Contents
Editorial— Janet Brennan Croft
“Written by the Finger of God”: C.S. Lewis and Historical Judgment
— Philip Irving Mitchell
The ‘Wyrdwrīteras’ of Elvish History: Northern Courage, Historical Bias, and Literary Artifact as Illustrative Narrative
— Richard Z. Gallant
The Unicorn as the Embodiment of the Numinous in the Works of Peter S. Beagle
— Weronika Łaszkiewicz
Fearless Joy: Tom Bombadil’s Function in The Lord of the Rings
— Robert B. Chapman-Morales
Tolkien’s Tom Bombadil: An Enigma “(Intentionally)”
— Suzanne Jacobs
What the Riddle-Makers Have Hidden Behind the Fire of a Dragon
— Laurence Smith
Notes and Letters
- In Memoriam: Marquette Memories of Christopher Tolkien, William M. Fliss
- In Memoriam: The Last Inkling, John Rateliff
- Lupin’s First Lesson: An Example of Excellent Teaching, Joshua Cole
- Inklings and Danteans Alike: C.S. Lewis, Colin Hardie, Charles Williams, and J.R.R. Tolkien’s Participation in the Oxford Dante Society, Jim Stockton
- An Annotated List of Fantasy Novels Incorporating Tarot (1990-2005), Emily E. Auger
Review essay
- The Mutual Admiration Society: How Dorothy L. Sayers and Her Oxford Circle Remade the World for Women, by Mo Moulton — Barbara Prescott
- Tolkien and the Classics, edited by Robert Arduini, et al. — Willow DiPasquale
- Inklings of Truth: Essays to Mark the Anniversaries of C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien, edited by Paul Shrimpton — Austin Freeman
- Celtic Myth in the 21st Century: The Gods And Their Stories in a Global Perspective, edited by Emily Lyle — Maria Alberto
- Tolkien’s Library: An Annotated Checklist, by Oronzo Cilli — Andoni Cossio
- Re-Envisioning Mythopoeia, by Nancy-Lou Patterson, edited by Emily E. Auger and Janet Brennan Croft — Kris Swank
- Further Up & Further In: Understanding Narnia, by Joseph Pearce — Chad Chisholm
- Tolkien And Philosophy, edited by Roberto Arduini and Claudio A. Testi — David Emerson
- Informing the Inklings: George Macdonald and the Victorian Roots of Modern Fantasy, edited by Michael Partridge and Kirstin Jeffrey Johnson — Tiffany Brooke Martin
- “Something Has Gone Crack”: New Perspectives on J.R.R. Tolkien in the Great War, edited by Janet Brennan Croft and Annika Röttinger — James Prothero
- Tractacus de deificatione sexdecim heroum per Martianum de Sancto Alosio / A Treatise on the Deification of Sixteen Heroes by Marziano Da Sant’ Alosio, with text, translation, introduction, and notes by Ross G.R. Caldwell and Marco Ponzi; The Marziano Tarot The Oldest Known Tarot Deck Conceived by Marziano da Tortona first created by Michelino da Besozzo in Milan between 1412 and 1425; con gli occhi et con l’intelletto / Explaining the Tarot in Sixteenth Century Italy, translation and commentary by Ross Sinclair Caldwell, Thierry Depaulis, and Marco Ponzi — Emily E. Auger
- Becoming C.S. Lewis: A Biography of Young Jack Lewis (1898-1918), by Harry Lee Poe — Andrew C. Stout
- Briefly Noted: The Wanderer’s Hávámal, translated by Jackson Crawford; Cinderella across Cultures: New Directions and Interdisciplinary Perspectives, edited by Martine Hennard Dutheil de la Rochère et al.; A Palace of Pearls: The Stories of Reb Nachman of Bratslav, retold by Howard Schwartz; Electra: A Gender Sensitive Study of the Plays Based on the Myth, by Batya Casper; Forschungsdrang und Rollenspiel: Motivgeschichtliche Betrachtungen zum Fantasy-Rollenspiel Das Schwarze Auge, edited by Stefan Donecker et al. — Janet Brennan Croft
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