A scholarly, peer-reviewed journal devoted to the study of mythopoeic literature

Mythlore 137 Volume 39, Issue 1

Fall/Winter 2020     (purchase below)

Table of Contents

— Janet Brennan Croft

A Cosmic Shift in The Screwtape Letters
— Brenton D.G. Dickieson

“I woulde be there / Byyonde the water”: Consolation in Pearl and The Silver Chair
— Tiffany E. Schubert

“No Sex Please, We’re Narnians”: Turkish Delight, Twelfth Night, and the Problem of Susan
— Andy Gordon

Useful Little Men: George R.R. Martin’s Dwarfs as Grotesque Realists
— Joseph Rex Young

The Inner Consistency of Mythology: The Mythological Kernel and Adaptation in The Golden Compass
— Douglas A. Barnim

Tom Bombadil and the Spirit of Objectivity
— Dani Inkpen

“Her Enchanted Hair”: Rossetti, “Lady Lilith,” and the Victorian Fascination with Hair as Influences on Tolkien
— Kathryn Colvin

The “Polish Inkling”: Professor Przemysław Mroczkowski as J.R.R. Tolkien’s Friend and Scholar
— Łukasz Neubauer

Tolkien’s Lost Knights
— Ben Reinhard


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Mythlore Backissues 126-current

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