Mythopoeic Conferences
Alexei Kondratiev Award (Student Paper)
In 2010, the society introduced a new award for the best paper presented at Mythcon by an undergraduate or graduate student. This award, first presented at Mythcon 41, was named in honor of Alexei Kondratiev, long-time Society member and a scholar of wide-ranging interests in mythopoeic and related studies, who passed away in 2010. The winners of the award receive a certificate, a one-year subscription to Mythlore, and half-off registration for the next Mythcon he or she attends.Download the application form here as a Word document or as a PDF.
- 2023: Anna Caterino, “Hell on His Mind: Dean Winchester’s Journey to Hell and Back”.
- 2022: No award
- 2021: Sofia Parrila, “All Worthy Things: The Personhood of Nature in J.R.R. Tolkien’s Legendarium”. Published in Mythlore 40.1, (#139).
- 2020: No Mythcon was held in 2020
- 2019: Sarah O’Dell, “An Unexpected Poet: The Creative Works of Dr. Robert E. Havard”. Published in Mythlore 38.1, (#135).
- 2018: Megan Fontenot, “‘No Pagan Ever Loved his God’: Tolkien, Thompson, and the Beautification of the Gods”. Published in Mythlore 37.1, (#133).
- 2017: Brittani Ivan, “Countries of the Mind: The Mundane, the Fantastic, and Reality in the Landscapes of Diana Wynne Jones’s Hexwood and Garth Nix’s Old Kingdom Series”. Published in Mythlore 36.1 (131).
- 2016: Megan B. Abrahamson, “Ferumbras, Feirefiz, and Finn: Motifs of the Converted Saracen in The Sultan of Babylon, Parzival, and Star Wars: The Force Awakens”.
- 2015: No award
- 2014: Dominic J. Nardi, “The Law of the Rings: Reevaluating Politics in J.R.R. Tolkien’s Middle-earth”. Published in Mythlore 33.1, (#125).
- 2013: Megan B. Abrahamson, “J.R.R. Tolkien, Fanfiction, and the ‘Freedom of the Reader’”. Published in Mythlore 32.1 (#123).
- 2012: Alyssa House-Thomas, “The Wondrous Orientalism of Lord Dunsany”. Published in Mythlore 31.1/2, (#119/120).
- 2011: Andrew Hallam, “Thresholds to Middle-earth: Allegories of Reading, Allegories for Knowledge and Transformation”. Published in Mythlore 30.1/2 (#115/116).
- 2010: Michael Milburn, “Art According to Romantic Theology: Charles Williams’s Analysis of Dante Adapted to J.R.R. Tolkien’s ‘Leaf by Niggle’”. Published in Mythlore 29.3/4 (#113/114).