
Mythcon 53 - Online Registration

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Mythcon 53
Fantasies of the Middle Lands

Minneapolis, Minnesota
August 2-5, 2024

Registration -- in-person attendance

Registration -- online attendance (available later)

Mythcon 53 Main page


Early-bird rates (through February 15, 2024)

Mythopoeic Society Members: $60

MythSoc Members - Mythcon 53
Member's Name(s)
Preferred email address(es)

Non-members: $70
We now include membership in the Mythopoeic Society for the year of this Mythcon; please indicate whether you wish to be listed in the Members' Directory.

Mythcon 53 - Non-members
Members Directory Listing
Registrant's Name(s)
Preferred email address(es)

Students: $45*
For students who are not already members, we now include membership in the Mythopoeic Society for the year of this Mythcon; please indicate whether you wish to be listed in the Members' Directory.

Mythcon 53 - Students
Members Directory Listing
Student's Name(s)
Preferred email address(es)

* Full-time students (12 or more credit hours per semester/quarter at an accredited college or university); please be prepared to present current, active student ID at check-in to confirm this rate.

For children attending with parent(s) or legal guardian(s), 12 and under are free, 12 to 18 pay the student rate.

Content copyright 1967- The Mythopoeic Society All rights reserved.