The Mythic Circle
A literary magazine publishing original short fiction, poetry, and artwork
A literary magazine publishing original short fiction, poetry, and artwork
The Mythic Circle 36
- - Dag Rossman, "The Scream"
- - Ron Boyer, "The Boy Who Didn’t Know Who He Was"
- - Ryder Miller, "Blazerock"
- - Alex B., "The Breach"
- - Ron Boyer, "Suddenly I Lost My Way" and "Nights Like This"
- - Joe R. Christopher, "Lilith and Eve Discuss Human Origins"
- - S. R. Hardy, "Odin Wins the Mead of Poetry"
- - Jeremy Hachey, "I Walk In Darkness"
- - Philip Miller, "Who Would Wear the Ring"
- - Nicolo Santilli, "On a Sea Wind"
- - David Sparenberg, "Zohar", "A Touch of Song", and "Honoring"
- - John Taylor, "The Legend of the Wild Man"
- Illustrations by L. C. Atencio and Sharon C. Rossman
Editor: Gwenyth E. Hood Copyright © 2014 by The Mythopoeic Society; all rights revert to authors and illustrators.
The Mythic Circle 33-42, 2011-2020: $8.00, print