The Mythic Circle
A literary magazine publishing original short fiction, poetry, and artwork
The Mythic Circle 38
- - Myles Buchanan, "Brackenstead"
- - Charlie W. Starr, "The Ferrens of Tar Kiln"
- - Ryder Miller, "The Undiplomatic Girl"
- - Georgia Ann Banks Martin, "A Visitor from the Moon"
- - Lee Clark Zumpe, "The Great Hall of Ahkurst"
- - William H. Wandless, "The Finest Jest"
- - Marly Youmans, "After the Black Chrysalis"
- - Chelsi Robichaud, "Solitude," "Sin," and "Siren's Call"
- - Gania Barlow, "Poem for the lost library of La Mancha" and "Creüsa"
- L. C. Atencio, cover illustration
- Emily Metcalf, p. 61 and back cover
Editor: Gwenyth E. Hood
Copyright © 2016 by The Mythopoeic Society; all rights revert to authors and illustrators.
The Mythic Circle 33-42, 2011-2020: $8.00, print