The Mythic Circle
A literary magazine publishing original short fiction, poetry, and artwork
The Mythic Circle 39
- - A.A. Azariah-Kribbs, "The Wooing of the Doorley"
- - Justin D. Lyons, "The Cauldron: A Meditation on Norse Mythology"
- - Marina Favila, "Haunting Christmas"
- - Ryder W. Miller, "The Land of Talking Animals"
- - J. R. Alfieri, "Peril"
- - Bethany Abrahamson, "The Merrow"
- - Lee Clark Zumpe, "Rime of the Last Wurm"
- - Shane Blackman, "A Monday Evening in Narnia"
- - R. L. Boyer, "Sentiments," "Heir to Prophecy," "The Language of Birds"
- - Trent Walters, "The Moonstory Poems," "The Moon Wages War against War," "The Moon Accepts Gifts from a Twin-Faced Lover," "The Moon Accepts Gifts from a Familiar Stranger," "The Moon Finds True Love at Last," "The Moon Finds That Persistent Love, If Less Than True, Lasts"
- - B. L. Blackwood, "Havenforge," "Voyagers"
- - Simon Perchik, "This Rock"
- Emily Metcalf: Cover illustration
- Bethany Abrahamson: p. 60 and back cover
Editor: Gwenyth E. Hood
Copyright © 2017 by The Mythopoeic Society; all rights revert to authors and illustrators.
The Mythic Circle 33-42, 2011-2020: $8.00, print