A scholarly, peer-reviewed journal devoted to the study of mythopoeic literature

Mythlore 109/110 Volume 28, Issue 3-4     (purchase below)

Table of Contents

J.R.R. Tolkien’s “Leaf by Niggle”: An Allegory in Transformation
---Marie Nelson

Phantastical Regress: The Return of Desire and Deed in Phantastes and The Pilgrim’s Regress
---Jeffrey Bilbro

The Marriage of Heaven and Hell? Philip Pullman, C.S. Lewis, and the Fantasy Tradition
---Marek Oziewicz and Daniel Hade

C.S. Lewis’s “The Meteorite” and the Importance of Context
---Joe R. Christopher

Fairy and Elves in Tolkien and Traditional Literature
---Helios de Rosario Martínez

“Dwarves are Not Heroes”: Antisemitism and the Dwarves in J.R.R. Tolkien’s Writing
---Rebecca Brackmann

Rethinking Shylock’s Tragedy: Radford’s Critique of Anti-Semitism in The Merchant of Venice
---Frank P. Riga

Totemic Reflexes in Tolkien’s Middle-earth
---Yvette Kisor

The Voice of Saruman: Wizards and Rhetoric in The Two Towers
---Jay Ruud

The Shire Quest: The ‘Scouring of the Shire’ as the Narrative and Thematic Focus of The Lord of the Rings
---David M. Waito


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Mythlore Backissues 93/94-109/110

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