A scholarly, peer-reviewed journal devoted to the study of mythopoeic literature

Mythlore 134 Volume 37, Issue 2

Spring/Summer 2019     (purchase below)

Table of Contents

— Janet Brennan Croft

Mythlore at Fifty
— Janet Brennan Croft

On the Shoulders of Gi(E)nts: The Joys of Bibliographic Scholarship and Fanzines in Tolkien Studies
— Robin Anne Reid

On the Shoulders of Humphrey Carpenter: Reconsidering Biographical Representation and Scholarly Perception of Edith Tolkien
— Nicole M. duPlessis

The Last Serialist: C.S. Lewis and J.W. Dunne
— Guy Inchbald

Saruman as ‘Sophist’ or Sophist Foil? Tolkien’s Wizards and the Ethics of Persuasion
— Chad Chisholm

Gunslinger Roland from Yeat’s Towers Came(?): A Little-Studied Influence on Stephen King’s Dark Tower Series
— Abigail L. Montgomery

“Auntie, What Ails Thee?”: The Parzival Question in Orphan Black
— Janet Brennan Croft

Notes and Letters

Review Essays


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