A scholarly, peer-reviewed journal devoted to the study of mythopoeic literature

Mythlore 90 Volume 23, Issue 4     (purchase below)

Table of Contents

Croft, Janet Brennan. "The Great War and Tolkien’s Memory: An Examination of World War I Themes in The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings."

Lakowski, Romuald Ian. "Types of Masculine Heroism in The Lord of the Rings."

Garbowski, Christopher. "It’s a Wonderful Life as Faërian Drama."

Upstone, Sara. "Applicability and Truth in The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings, and The Silmarillion: Readers, Fantasy, and Canonicity."

Tomkins, J. Case. "‘The Homecoming of Beorhtnoth Beorhthelm’s Son’: Tolkien as Modern Anglo-Saxon."

Weidner, Brian N. "Middle-Earth: The Real World of J.R.R. Tolkien."

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Mythlore 90 - print copy - $6.00

Mythlore Backissues 85-92

Content copyright 1967- - The Mythopoeic Society - All rights reserved.