A scholarly, peer-reviewed journal devoted to the study of mythopoeic literature
Mythlore 97/98 Volume 25, Issue 3-4 (purchase below)
Table of Contents
Editorial ---Janet Brennan CroftFantastical Fact, Home, or Other? The Imagined ‘Medieval’ in C.S. Lewis ---Alison Searle
Feudal Values, Vassalage, and Fealty in The Lord of the Rings ---Colleen Donnelly
Battling the Woman Warrior: Females and Combat in Tolkien and Lewis ---Candice Fredrick and Sam McBride
Finding Woman’s Role in The Lord of the Rings ---Melissa McCrory Hatcher
Through a Dark Lens: Jackson’s Lord of the Rings as Abject Horror ---R.D. Hall
The Monstrosity of the Gaze: Critical Problems with a Film Adaptation of The Lord of the Rings ---Allison Harl
Galadriel and Morgan le Fey: Tolkien’s Redemption of the Lady of the Lacuna ---Susan Carter
The Fall and Repentance of Galadriel ---Romuald Ian Lakowski
Prince Caspian and Child Christopher and Goldilind the Fair ---Robert Boenig
Pullman, Lewis, MacDonald, and the Anxiety of Influence ---William Gray
The Ogre Blinded and The Lord of the Rings ---Daniel Peretti
Beorn and Tom Bombadil: A Tale of Two Heroes ---Paul W. Lewis
Meaning, Meanings, and Epistemology in C.S. Lewis ---Charlie W. Starr
The J.R.R. Tolkien Companion and Guide. Christina Scull and Wayne G. Hammond. ---David D. OberhelmanThe Lord of the Rings and Philosophy: One Book to Rule Them All. Edited by Gregory Bassham and Eric Bronson. ---Clark Hutton
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