Mythopoeic Awards

Mythopoeic Awards — 2023
Announcements: Finalists (May 17, 2023) | Winners (August 6, 2023)

Fantasy Awards

Adult Literature

When the Angels Left the Old Country Sacha Lamb, When the Angels Left the Old Country (Levine Querido, 2022)

Children’s Literature (tie)

The Ogress and the Orphans Kelly Barnhill, The Ogress and the Orphans (Algonquin Young Readers, 2022)

Scholarship Awards

Inklings Studies

Williams and Lewis: Friends in Co-inherence Paul S. Fiddes, Charles Williams and C.S. Lewis: Friends in Co-inherence (Oxford UP, 2021)

Myth and Fantasy Studies

Fantasy: How It Works Brian Attebery, Fantasy: How It Works (Oxford UP, 2022)

Alexei Kondratiev Award

The Alexei Kondratiev Award, named in honor of Alexei Kondratiev, long-time Society member and a scholar of wide-ranging interests in mythopoeic and related studies, is given to an outstanding paper presented at Mythcon by an undergraduate or graduate student. The 2023 Alexei was presented at the Online Midsummer Seminar (OMS) to Anna Caterino for her paper, “Hell on His Mind: Dean Winchester’s Journey to Hell and Back.”
Congratulations, Anna!

All Book Award Finalists

Fantasy Awards

Adult Literature

Children’s Literature

Scholarship Awards

Inklings Studies

Myth and Fantasy Studies

Contents copyright 1967- The Mythopoeic Society All rights reserved.